Exploring data with graphs

Click here to see the notebook on GitHub.

Click here to see the notebook on GitHub.

In this project you take a dataset regarding traffic and some related conditions. It’s a basic exploration of data and using graphic visualizations to determine if there’s a question to be asked about the data. It uses the seaborn python library, which I haven’t used before. Here’s a link to some seaborn examples you can check out to see what it has to offer your plots.

I haven’t been on I-94 in a while. I drove most of this interstate during a road trip ages and the time I was on it was in 2017 when I went to Yellowstone National Park for field work.

I just learned that in I-94 is the most dangerous highway in Michigan and in 2019 has the highest number deaths from car crashes.Yikes.

Data is so dirty!

Cleaning data